Thursday, December 13, 2007

Why Adelante?

Whilst standing in the useless Adelante train this morning at Keynsham, it was quite easy to read the new sign at the station telling people all about how HST services are now stopping there, and how people should take extra care because of the long train, short platform problem.

So why are we standing on an Adelante set?


Unknown said...

The Adelante's are gradually being phased out, and should be gone by around March.

Adelante is better than no train at all. Consider that one.

thirdratewestern said...

Unless, like on Monday, the Adelante loses so much time with people trying to cram onto it that by the time it arrives it's 30 minutes late. In which case, it's no better than no train at all because the next one is only 2 minutes behind it.

Unknown said...

In your example if a train is delayed by about 30minutes and there is a train just behind.

Delayed train arrives totally full, try squeeze on and delay it further or just wait a couple minutes for next one?