Sunday, September 21, 2008

Where are the updates?

My regular readers (both of you, to borrow a phrase from Terry) will no doubt be wondering why I haven't posted anything for, ooh, several months.

Two reasons: firstly, much of my time has been taken up changing nappies and other baby-related activities. Secondly, I haven't commuted with Third Rate Western since April. Instead, I drive to work. In my old, thirsty, polluting banger. At 23mpg, it's still cheaper than taking the train, though. Let's do some sums.

The train taking the strain

Ticket to Bristol: £6.40
Parking: £4.50
Fuel to station: £0.50, perhaps

Total: £11.40

The car's the star

Ticket to Bristol: £0
Parking: £0
Fuel: £6 if I take it steady, £7 if I'm late

Not much of a decision, is it. But of course, I have to put up with spending longer commuting. Actually I don't. If I leave at the same time that I'd normally go to the station, it takes me 35 minutes to get to work, 25 if it's school holiday time. Door to door by train is 55 minutes.

So despite Mr. Brown wanting to tax us all off the roads and onto public transport, the good old car is still the relaxing, cheap, fast option.


Unknown said...

Please tell me the make and model of your car as it does not appear to depreciate, nor require tax and insurance. I want one!

thirdratewestern said...

Interesting point, Paul :)

I'm not worried about tax or insurance, since I would need a car anyway and I would need to pay this regardless of whether I use it for work or not. And, of course, my figures for taking the train don't take into account this either (I would need to drive to the station) so I think it's a fair comparison.

As to depreciation - it is a 1998 BMW 5-series with 120,000 miles on the clock. Relatively speaking, it was worth nothing when I bought it, it's worth nothing now, and it will be worth nothing when it explodes and I buy another one. It's called Bangernomics. Oh and it still cruises silently at 90 on the M4 whilst I listen to Radio 4.