Saturday, October 6, 2007

So, it's come to this

I never thought that a company could annoy me enough to make me start a blog. But that was before I got a new job in the centre of Bristol. At first, I thought the commute by train would be much better than sitting on the M4 in the car, stationary.

Of course, I'd soon find that stationary was exactly what Third Rate Western would leave me a lot of the time.

So, because this blogging lark gives me the ability to rant directly from my mobile whilst stood once again on a freezing platform waiting for a train that might never arrive, I thought I'd share what it's really like to rely on Third Rate Western to get you to where you want to go.

Perhaps my ranting will make you chuckle for a moment. I'd like that.

1 comment:

UKTrainMan said...

Despite the fact that sometimes your rants are actually wrong...I must admit some of them are amusing me quite well. Please do keep them coming without failing like those new engines!!!
